What's your talent?

Where will your talent lead you?

As I watched the Grammy Awards last night, I realized how many talented people there are in this world! Sure, they are celebrities, but before they were celebrities, they started from a very humble beginning...at least many of them did!  As I watched the commercials and television programmings that I enjoy, I realize, people are so talented and creative!  These are people who go after their dreams and make it a reality; sometimes they don't come by their dreams directly. They sometimes make mistakes, choose other paths, until they realize, that they are not on the right path and choose to do something about it!  

Sometimes there are those people who have their "aha moments" which helps them to realize that their talent lies elsewhere and "this", whatever it was that led them to that moment of discovery, is what they should be doing with their life!  Isn't that amazing dear readers?!

It can be so confusing trying to decide what it is that you really want to do.  This is why I implanted (so to speak), in my children to find that which they love, and are really good at, that they will be happy living their life doing, and dedicate themselves to it!  So far, my two oldest children are on their path of self-discovery and going after their dreams. I'm very proud of them!  My youngest, has already began to decide what her goals will be.  It is a good thing when you have someone to guide you.  That's why it is so important, if you can have one, to have mentors, or someone who can give you advice when you need it!  As I guide my children, I try to give input to my friends when they ask for it.  Personally, for me, it has been quite a journey of self-discovery too.  I've been on such a journey of discovery in my life over the years.  I've dedicated myself to my family, and don't regret doing so.  I'm happy that I've been learning my likes and dislikes; learning what I'm really good at, and making the decision as to what it is that I really want to do in the future life of mine. It is never too late for you to discover your talent, so I urge you to find yours and go with it!

Don't let anyone tell you what you can't be, or do, when it comes to your dreams!  You do not want to sit and do nothing.  You have one talent, and if you're one of those lucky people who do, you may have two talents!  However, you won't discover what it is, if you don't seek it out.  So get up, and move towards the fulfillment of your dreams!

I read this quote recently from an Author whose books I've enjoyed reading as a young girl, Mark Twain:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the Trade Winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." 

Note: I've also discovered that this quote may actually be from the Author H. Jackson Brown, so now I'm not sure about it's origin because so many attributes it to Mark Twain?  However, it's a great quote and illustrates my point so I'm leaving it!
