Life happens and you deal with it! |
Whatever life dealt you dear readers, do you stand and face it? Or do you run away? Or, even more importantly, do you blame someone else? Hmmm, I face it, I stand and I face it. But perhaps there have been a few times when I whimpered whined and ignored what is staring me in the face! Don't get me wrong, if there is a full-on emergency which I have to deal with, I face it head-on! If I have to be the Lioness for my cubs and extended ones, I'm the bravest, baddest out there! That is what moms do. Hey, I'm walking in the shadow of God's footsteps, I will be fearless!
It might sound weird coming from me, yet, it doesn't matter how old you are dear readers, you can have these moments in your life when you are left questioning yourself and wondering about your life and who you are. I guess as you might want to think, "....that person is going through a mid-life crisis...", also known as when people get to my age, we are always lost and trying to find ourselves.
But is it being "lost" or just being "awaken" or better yet we have become "more aware of who we are, and what we are not"! I tell you what, at least in my case, you get to the point where you wonder if this is it, is this your life? Are you doing what it is that you were born on this Earth to do? Are you really happy? What exactly is it that you're looking for? Those are some very good questions! You begin to appreciate yourself more. You begin to appreciate life a lot better. You also have less patience with the bullshit that some people seem to be filled with! hahahaha..."Ain't that the truth"! Some people are so bloated with their own self-promotion and bragging rights! While being proud of oneself is important, and yes, you do have the right to brag, heck why not?! However, I really don't give a shit where you are with, or in your life, if you're going to try and make someone feel bad in comparison! I find that I am learning not to care too much about the people who do nothing but get pleasure at other people's disadvantage. Then cry wolf when you point out to them to be a bit nicer about it. They blame the system and yell how much they have gone through and how hard they fought the good fight. Well, congratulations my friend. Just don't sweep us all under the same rug because there are so many people out there who really don't know how to get themselves or their lives together! It used to matter once upon a time. But I am wasting energy even talking about it right now!
Heck, there are more important thing to worry about these days. So many people are dealing with a lot of issues in their lives. What I'm experiencing is probably so insignificant compared to some. However, your own personal burden is significant to you, and it is important to God. So don't forget that, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise! You matter, and so do I!
Yes my dear readers, life happens and you deal with it, that is all....!
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