Who doesn't love the beach? Unless someone isn't fond of water in the ocean or the pool, then I guess he/she would be the one! Whenever my family and I make a trip to the beach, even if it is only for one day, not only is it a very big adventure because we don't go as often we like to, but it also becomes a road trip, a mini-vacation!
If you are like me and really love the Beach, I want us to have fun, but to also be comfortable. So I usually pack a lot of stuff to take with us, and thank heavens we do travel by car! I was perusing fabfitfun.com and found some really great tips that will make your next trip to the ocean more coordinated and comfortable!
- Number one on their list is applying sunscreen before you go to the beach (or leave the hotel). I totally agree with this! I find it much simpler and easier to do it right after coming out of the shower!
- They also suggested to pack snacks, number two on their list. As a mom, this is always on my to-do list whenever going anywhere. It doesn't even matter how grown your children are, they are always hungry!
- Bring bathrobes, not beach towels, number three on their list! This way the kids can stay warm after their swim and will actually dry-off! What a cool idea! One that I have never thought of doing! Best tip on the list for me!
- Pack beach toys for your toddler to play is number four! As a younger mom, I made sure to do this with each of my then toddler and even with the older children, books, musical stuff, etc! Today, my children are older, and as they do get hungry, they whine even louder about being bored! So I have them bring games, books, comics, anything that will help them to pass the time!
- Number five on their list is making sure to find a bathroom, especially for your young toddler who is potty training! Thank heavens this was never a problem for me! This is definitely tops on the list for families with younger children!
To read the article and see their comments, go to the article link here!
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