Getting over the Hump ~Blah~

I know that's not much of a title, and I probably shouldn't write at all today because I'm feeling just blah, blech, meh! Worn out, tired, frustrated and over myself! Once again when I get this way I think waaayyyy too much! The scenarios playing out in my head trying to solve issues and ebb the tides that are forming in my brain! Do you see how exhausting that is?  I'm splattered against the wall!

In an effort to get over this I'm playing Dance music, yes, dance music, although I can't get up and dance right now, the waves of frustrations in my head are turning to waves that you can surf....yeah, let's get out of this funk we are in today. It is Hump day after all.

I worked out yesterday, it was a better work out than Monday's. I ran for a much longer period and was able to talk while running because one of my BFF called.  I know, that was my "me" time but I cannot say "no" to a friend who needs to talk.  So we chatted for a bit and then I told her we will talk more later! See, that's how you do it!lol!

I'm in pain, I remarked to hubby that I just don't understand why it's so much different now at this age trying to get fit...I wail for my twenty-something years!! He remarked that it's a much different thing being the age we are now, than what we were then.  We laughed together at that, the images of a younger buffer version of him, and a more toned version of me dancing in my head...!

Hmm, I'm feeling less tense already, riding out the waves....have a great day today dear reader!
