Hurts All Over
Exercise is good for the body!
All over dear reader! My body is a spasm of pain from doing squats and running! I need to catch up with my squats today though. I'm at 70 squats...I should be further ahead, but you know what?  I'm doing it and that is what is important!  My goal is to get in shape, have a toned body and I will complete this mission...challenge!

I hurt in all the places I should though, thighs, derriere and arms...that means I am doing something right!  I need to stay focus and do this! Today's workout will be weights and running on the treadmill!  It's a pretty hot day today in Central Florida so workout will be inside today.....oh man I wish I was at the beach!!!! Because even if my body is not bikini ready, at least I could go lay in the sand! Hmmm, then again, I haven't worn a bikini since I was 18....!

If you my dear reader are way over 18 and can still wear a bikini, well, congratulations! Keep up the good work!  If not, have you decided to join me in this getting fit challenge yet?  You don't have to do the squats, just start moving by walking or even doing simple stretches.  Remember, you need your doctor's opinion on you getting into more aggressive physical activities so as to be sure you won't compromise your health!  Once you feel you are up to it, just start small, as time goes on you will be feeling so good you will want to do more!
