Must Read Books - No Digitals Allowed

There is nothing like the feel and touch of a good book. I love looking at the jacket of an interesting book, and most times the photograph of the author would have me intrigued!  The way the author looks can sometimes give me an idea of what the book will be like...nah...wouldn't that be cool if that were true!lol!

d-foreverserenity.comBut seriously dear readers, I won't ever get over my love of handling a book, turning the page with anticipation, reading each line, and not putting it down until the end!

I am still very fond of the library. I visit it weekly, mainly to get movies and music, but also to sit and peruse magazines and books at leisure. I do think it is great digital devices are available and made reading even more fun! However, don't let that be the reason to give up buying hard copies!

Guess what I found out recently while visiting  There is a place where you can donate your old books!  By getting rid of your old books, you make room for new ones!  Note to self - reminder to do so!

Visit this link!
