I wanted to share this article I wrote some time ago again with you dear readers. Doesn't it just feels like we are just going around and around in circles with our lives? But this is not just in our own lives, it seems that everyone, everywhere is going through their own trials; and the events that are happening sees life repeating itself over and over. Death because of drug overdose; people committing heinous crimes not being held accountable for their actions; horrible weather occurrences; and then the re-birth happens to put everyone in a good mood, great weather; birth of a baby; someone, somewhere being lucky because of something or the other, and life continues on....!
It is good to have the happy occurrences which creates happy memories. I wish it could remain the same always.
FOREVERSERENITY: World-Weary: I was on my way in to work today and as I drove towards the traffic light, moving along with the other drivers who are all in a hurry (whe...
It is good to have the happy occurrences which creates happy memories. I wish it could remain the same always.
FOREVERSERENITY: World-Weary: I was on my way in to work today and as I drove towards the traffic light, moving along with the other drivers who are all in a hurry (whe...
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