What a perfect way to return to my Musical Obsession series by introducing you to my friend Amy and her blog Interrupted Cadence! First off, I forgot to ask her what that meant, "Interrupted Cadence" and I am sure she probably shared that bit of info somewhere on her blog, but I'm too busy enjoying her taste in music to find it, so I've tabled it for later! In the mean time, this singer, Sarah Jarosz, and her song, Runaway.....wow, takes my breath away. It's definitely music to soothe the savage beast!!!!
Go to the link below to hop over to Interrupted Cadence, and take a musical journey through Amy's other posts as well. I promise you, it will become your latest obsession!!
Interrupted Cadence: Sarah Jarosz - Runaway: Sarah Jarosz - Runaway with Allison Kraus and Jerry Douglas. A fabulous song. The official video is blocked in my country, why? I don&#...
Go to the link below to hop over to Interrupted Cadence, and take a musical journey through Amy's other posts as well. I promise you, it will become your latest obsession!!
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