Day 29 - #31WriteNow - Day 21 - 21-Day Meditation Challenge - Miraculous Living

I love that the theme of the recent 21-Day Meditation Challenge was "Miraculous..."  we all need a bit of miracles in our lives, no matter what we believe!  I for one agree that "we are each a perfect miracle, as we choose to pro-create and interact with others around us". So true my dear readers, as we continue to live our lives, we find the need to be a part of others lives as well!  For most of us, this gives us joy and fulfillment!

When Oprah said, "Being still leads you to more peace, more love, and more joy in your life" - it made me reflect on the book I read recently, Listening Below the Noise by Anne D. LeClaire

Ms. LeClaire decided that she would dedicate certain times of her daily activities to being totally silent. That means not interacting with even her own family for a given period. She first started with one hour, then it lead to a day, and to one day per week, and even more time after that!  Throughout this process she learned to listen to the "life" around her, and to hear her inner voice!  She was able to figure things out that she hadn't had the chance to by just being quiet.  There is so much noise around us all of the time, how can we "hear ourselves think"?!  

Finding a path to the infinite and boundless spirit that is our true nature. We hope that the changes we make will reflect in our lives.

"Separation is only an illusion..." - Deepak Chopra

"Experiencing inner silence refreshes our mind and frees us to be who we truly are, and allows us to see others as they really are..."

"Whatever mistakes we make about who we are, is temporary"

Losing touch with ourselves happens when we  make mistakes because we become so focus on the fact that we messed up, we don't take the time to reflect and to forgive ourselves for our mistakes!  We build and build on it until it becomes even bigger than it really is!  I think it is a good thing for us to try to remember to breathe, acknowledge what has happened, reflect to see what could have been done differently. Fix the mistake if we can, if not, we admit and apologize, then we forgive ourselves!

Our centering thought for the day- "Love begins with me, love begins with me"
