Enough! To the Barney's & Macy's of the World, et al

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I listened with shock as my friend told me about the incident that happened at Barney's, and also at Macy's, to African Americans (black people) shopping in those establishments.  She recounted to me her own experiences while being in those very retail stores.  And as we talked, I remembered my own.  The very experience that happens to me each and every time I walk into a department store, or restaurant, or wherever it seems I possibly cannot be, it didn't matter where, or which business establishment, how I dressed, who I was with, it has become such a common denominator in being black, and it has got to stop!

Today in reviewing one of my favorite reads, The Chronicle of Higher Education, An article written by Stacey Patton, "Scientist or 'Whore'? A Slur Symbolizes a Familiar Struggle", about the experience of Scientist and Blogger, Danielle N. Lee, Ph.D., being called an "urban whore", I said to myself again, "Enough"! All that because she didn't want to accept the role of being a volunteer (unpaid) blogger for a science publication?!

When does it end?  Being considered inferior, treated with thoughtless ignorance and continually dissed by one and all, then being told to "get over it"....."what"?!  In this day and age, racism and sexism is something that too many people of color (from every race) goes through on a daily basis.  It has got to stop

Although our world has gotten better, it has gotten so much worse in many ways.  It seems as we advance in technology, we fall backwards with our humanity. Aren't we pass all this crap by now? Haven't we learned from the past?  With today's racism and sexism being experienced not just in the United States, but also all over the world, it doesn't seem that it will ever end.

As a person of color it affects me because I do encounter the same experiences from time to time. When I do, I try not to let it affect me, but it does.  It's hard not to.  How can we make this stop? Will it ever stop?  Unfortunately, I don't know the answers, and neither do you dear readers.  We cannot predict the outcomes, but we have to make every effort to change. What if we were all the same?  No one different, everyone being the same, acting the same? How would our world be? Would that make at least 90% of the people in our world happy?  Please click this link, a prose I wrote some time ago.  What are your thoughts on racism and sexism in our world? 
