Remember my friend Wesley Yu from Oh yes, Wesley and his team are the people to go to whenever you need really cool and very realistic clipart to be done! How do I know this? Well, remember the article I wrote about his work - here?
I've been thinking about having a really cool clipart image of myself but I was unsure of which photo to have the image created from. I sent Wesley a couple of my favorite photos for him to decide. In no time at all, (a week or two) he sent me the following clipart image of myself. I laughed out loud! I was amazed at the way he captured me in the image. My kids and hubby loved it and immediately knew it was me and were surprised at the personality looking back at them through the image! I then sent it to my FB page and my friends there was a HIT!
What do you think dear readers? In comparison to the actual photograph below?
Thank you Wesley and team at!! Now I have to think of clever ways to utilize this image......hmmmm - thinking cap on! So dear readers, if you are in the market for any type of clipart image, go on over to and/or send an email to the team at clipartlord at gmail dot com.
You guys rock!
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