Motivational Mondays: Manifesting Your Desires

I enjoy watching Iyanla Vanzant on the O network and the work she does to help others.  I'm sure you would agree with me dear readers how important your emotional health and well-being is.  Being at peace with yourself leads to a more fulfilling life.  I had to share as a reminder to you (and me) that what we want, what we desire, can affect us and our environment in ways we sometimes don't realize.  This is why it is very important for us to be in harmony and to be careful what we "put out" to the world.

Your inner life is the cause and the source of everything that manifests around you. You are responsible for being the things you desire. It is your responsibility to take the necessary steps to ensure that what is going on inside of you is in perfect harmony, because everything you desire will happen through you, not to you!

Photo from Iyanla Vanzant's  Public Timeline
