Running on Empty, Part Deux

Oh. My. Goodness!  I've been away for an entire week (almost two, but whose counting) without even a note to you my dear readers. Were you wondering what happened, or thinking out loud how rude I am to just leave you hanging like this? Well, whatever your thoughts, I'm sorry.

I have been running on empty, again, simply because there is so much going on, and I've been trying to keep up! Each time that I sit to write an article that I wanted to share, life gets in the way, and I would realize that hey, I don't just want to throw "anything" up for you to read, I want it to make sense and to be interesting!  I could have done other "Re-posts" but even when I do those, I try to do it with you in mind my dear readers.

You know what I just discovered?  I realized that I was in this very place, the place of being overwhelmed and feeling out of sorts, a year ago! I could not believe it! are times in our lives when it seems as if nothing has changed.  However, if you look carefully, you will see that a lot has changed. It might not seem to be as good to some people on the outside looking in. There are changes because I'm so much closer to finding myself and I do know what it is I want for me than I did a year ago!

d-foreverserenity.comIt is quite a journey, and I'm still on that road of self-discovery.  I want you to do the same thing. Find out what it is that you like to do the best. Find out your purpose, and go do it.  Life is too short to be unhappy. There are times when we take on too much on ourselves and it leads us on the path we don't want to go.  Yet when we do follow where we are supposed to go, instinctively, we will find our true paths. I know you hear me say this a lot, and I'm saying it again, "Let go, and let God".  He is there for you, for me. I am learning to let him lead. Because when I lead, the expectations of failure is in my subconscious, and I experience all of the failures.  However, when I let Him lead, I let go of expectations, and everything is as it should be.  

Just don't stop living, and don't give up on yourself, cause I won't!  Don't forget that I'm here if you want to drop me a line, leave a comment, say hello..... :) Hope your Monday ends well!  
