Being fit and healthy is not only about physical beauty. With dedication, you can whip your body into shape. The one thing that some of us do ignore however is the state of our mental health. This should also be a very important part of your fitness routine.
As we get older, one of the things that goes very quickly is your memory. For me personally, I found that I was forgetting little things, such as names, where I put stuff, what I was going to talk to someone about...those are minor but important things to note. I decided that since Alzheimer is a part of my family's lineage, as I get older it dawned on me that I had to start doing brain exercises to keep my brain active and alert. Then I had to get back to working out more regularly because that helps me to feel good.
I bought a couple of brain-teasers books, Sudoku and word puzzles, and I began to read again. Plus I decided that learning HTML was also a good way to keep me on my toes!lol! I am no doctor, nor have I been diagnosed with anything, but doing that has helped me to be more alert, and I am no longer forgetful. You can do the things you love, find a hobby that you enjoy will help. I may be getting older, and no, I'm not old, I'm just not 21 anymore; so nourishing my brain has become a part of my fitness.
Here's an article from the Chopra Center about Nourishment. They talk about mind, health, and body. And give tips on what to eat, for example, eating light colored food is good, reading inspiring poetry, and other suggestions to get you on that road to better health.
As we get older, one of the things that goes very quickly is your memory. For me personally, I found that I was forgetting little things, such as names, where I put stuff, what I was going to talk to someone about...those are minor but important things to note. I decided that since Alzheimer is a part of my family's lineage, as I get older it dawned on me that I had to start doing brain exercises to keep my brain active and alert. Then I had to get back to working out more regularly because that helps me to feel good.
I bought a couple of brain-teasers books, Sudoku and word puzzles, and I began to read again. Plus I decided that learning HTML was also a good way to keep me on my toes!lol! I am no doctor, nor have I been diagnosed with anything, but doing that has helped me to be more alert, and I am no longer forgetful. You can do the things you love, find a hobby that you enjoy will help. I may be getting older, and no, I'm not old, I'm just not 21 anymore; so nourishing my brain has become a part of my fitness.
Here's an article from the Chopra Center about Nourishment. They talk about mind, health, and body. And give tips on what to eat, for example, eating light colored food is good, reading inspiring poetry, and other suggestions to get you on that road to better health.
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