Repost Week: Fitness Wednesdays - Runner's Knees
Today's re-post will be in tune with my Fitness Wednesdays.  I can't believe that it has been four years since I began to run.  It's been five or six years of really focusing on getting fitter and being healthy. It has been a long journey of ups and downs.  I do try to keep up with my plans, however, life does get in the way.

Remember my quest for Reinvention 2014?  It's the month of February and I've not been able to workout everyday, not yet. However, I've set a short-term goal of doing at least 2 miles weekly, walking or running. So far, I'm keeping that goal.  My distance is covered with running and some walking.  I've increased the goal a bit, losing 20lbs by my birthday in April.  What?! Yes!  I will have fun trying!

Getting back to today's repost.  It's an article from 2010 when I used to workout with my friend and co-worker. We don't workout together anymore, but we are still friends.  We do continue to encourage each other as well.

We had a case of runner's knees in this writing.   Read on:

FOREVERSERENITY: Runner's Knees: My workout partner and I have been walking for the past two days, not just in the mornings as we usually do with the Ladies Who Walk (my nam...
