Valentine's Day: How to Tell if You Are Still in Love

It's one more day until Valentine's Day, that special day for lovers, friends, and even family.  Yes, there are those who will give chocolates and other gifts to their children, grandparents and even a good friend.  Today however, dear readers, we are focusing on the relationship between you and your special person. If you are in a relationship, how is it going?  Have you been together a long time?  Are you still meeting each others needs? How do you know if you are "still in love"?  

Last year I wrote an article with some questions that remains valid even for today.  Take a looksee and let me know, "Are you still in love with your significant other"?

Love & Marriage image from

FOREVERSERENITY: How to Tell if You Are Still in Love: He loves me, he loves me not? If you are in a relationship dear readers, are you still in love?  You know how it is, over the years as...
