I Double-dare you: Disconnect Your Electronic Devices

I found out just this past Saturday that the world was encouraged to disconnect from their electronic devices and go out and have fun!  I had this article waiting in the wings - so to speak and hadn't posted it yet.  I like when something that I write is relevant!

I enjoy reading The Daily Muse. They are online at thedailymuse.com. It was their article that caught my eye, and ignited my urge to unplug for a day.  Did you even know about that dear readers, to unplug for a day?  If you did know, did you?  I didn't! That's the honest truth. It was difficult to do because I have a couple of deadlines to meet, and so it's impossible for me to do that right now.  While I made it a point not to spend too much time online, I did keep tabs on what was going on!  Yes, I'm weak when it comes to staying off my devices.

My devices are just a simple tablet, and I do not own an iPhone.  However, I live on my LG phone, and enjoy perusing online. Between my two remaining kids at home, each with their own devices, well, I am happy to say they did leave their devices alone to hang out with friends today, so yeahh to that!

In the article, Alex Cavoulacos showed us the 13 ways we can disconnect ourselves from our electronic devices. Her first suggestion?  To put our phone on mute, or turn it off!  Well, she has a point.  If you don't want to get pinged every few seconds, well, you should.

Or you could turn off the notifications on your phone, her second suggestion. Now that's a great way to stop all those pings! Number four on her list is to charge your devices far away from where you are, such as in another room, where you can't get to it immediately, or have the urge to hold it as it charges...I've done that so many times!lol!

For those of us addicted to Social Media, we should simply log out of our accounts.....would that be hard for you to do? You think?! Of course, for me....it just might. While I'm not online if I'm extremely busy, and lately that has been the case, I sometimes don't get online as often as I want to, logging off completely might be hard to do though.

You can also delete those social media Apps, blasphemy!! Or would that be a good thing?  It might just be for me because my apps have taken over my phone, a situation I have to fix sooner rather than later!

For those who are seriously over connected...hey I do not identify with that person! She suggests not taking your charger with you, or not taking your computer; even leaving your phone at home! I know, who does that?! That just does not compute!

Once in awhile though, it might just be to your advantage to disconnect for a bit.  Try it in small dozes, for example, turn off your phone for 30 minutes, or at least turn the notifications off.  Or it's easier to just get up and walk away from your computer/laptop/tablet for a drink of water, and while you're at it, feed the dog/cat, go to the bathroom, fix your hair, hey brush your teeth and get out of your PJs, then open a window.....look outside, or step outside and breathe in some fresh air.....see how long this takes you.  And walllah~ you've been away for at least 30 mins (or more) from your computer!!!! Yes!!  

Now if that worked, do it again tomorrow! Let me know how it goes. I'm curious to know.  To read the full article and see what her other suggestions are, follow the link below:

