Our Amaryllis Lily bloomed beautifully recently |
Have you missed me dear readers? I've missed you. I've missed writing as much as I used to on my blogs...even my fashion blog is suffering from the demise of my timings. A lot of changes personally and I am just trying to deal! Work is 80% of the change, home is the other 20%. Earlier in the year, it was the other way around, so you see, not a happy balance, not yet, but I'm working on it!
I try to walk or run...to keep my happy! |
What else has gone by the wayside....my workouts. I need to do this even once a week, which was working for me up to the time of all the changes that has affected my schedule. I won't go into the nitty-gritty details about work, but there are major changes...as for hubby, he's still healing from his surgery...pain is unfortunately a major factor for him these days....so you know what my nights are like...lol! No, it's not so bad, but I hate to see him so uncomfortable....
We don't need this to be happy. No. we don't! |
I still plan to make major changes with my blogs. Which hasn't happened yet. Where do I find the time? Did I tell you about the classes I'm supposed to be taking yet.....? I've completed some, but still have a few on the back burner. Are you bored yet...or getting tired of me talking about my balancing act? Me too!!! LOL! There, comic relief, ~smile~.
One of the websites I love to visit is wildsister.com. I've always admired the happy existence Jen, the owner leads. Just going to her website puts me in a good mood and a smile on my face. I unfortunately don't visit with her often enough. I also don't even know if she knows me...yet...not that well anyway, but I am on her mailing list and one of these days, I will take one of her courses....the budget-friendly one!
Who knew these two would ever be in a photo-op together? |
In an email she sent out some time ago, she wrote about finding my happy, and not to give the power of my happiness away to others. You know, those people who somehow manage to make you feel less joyful, and more tired of life? The ones who somehow says or does something to make us go...really...well....lose our cool? Her suggestion is to not let these people take our power away, the power of our happiness, the joy we have in ourselves. You know what? She is soooooo right!!!!
I am linking her article below for you to read. And when you are there, browse her site, tell me if you feel the same way I do when I visit with her! And my dear readers, thank you for stopping by and reading with me, even when I don't leave new content as often. I am striving to write at least one new article a week. Let me know what you think about the article. Muuaaah xoxoxoxo
(omg..six paragraphs....must shorten my writings...lol!)
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