A Mother who Misses Her Mom

Today is the first of two re-post that I will do in honor and memory of my mom. In life she was loved, and in death she still is. It is wonderful to have memories of your loved ones when they are no longer with you. Cherish those memories and never stop taking photographs!!!! Having the ones I do of me and my mommy, it is a wonderful thing! RIP mommy. Forever loved, always.

My mom with my first and second born. That was a special outing!

Mommy and me, I was pregnant w/my third child.

FOREVERSERENITY: A Mother who Misses Her Mom: I just read an article from a blogger, "Motherless Mothering".    The article you can go to the nytimes.com,  or to this link here...

On Sunday, Mother's Day, I will re-post one of my favorite articles.


  1. Awwwww…you look so happy with your mom. I'm sorry she's not here with you today but I know she is smiling at you with an abundance of love from heaven! XO

  2. Thank you for your kind words +menopausal mama. That is one of my favorite photos!


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