Motivational Mondays: Manifesting Your Desires
I took a look back at some of the posts I have done about motivation, which indirectly motivates me; I've been on this page before.  I did that because I needed a reminder why I must not give up.  Why I must keep moving forward no matter what; because I matter!  I do matter, and so do you my dear readers. 

One of the things I keep reminding myself about is I might not be as young as I used to be at 29, but I will continue to be young at heart, and I will forever be 35! Yep, 35, that's my new age!lol! ~sidenote: look out for a new article to see why this is so~  

The one thing that I see happening to so many people these days is they just want to survive, to get by in their daily existence. While I totally understand that way of being; I don't just want to survive, damn it!  I.  Want.  To.  LIVE!!!  You know why you should want to live too dear readers?  Because as Jesus gave his life for us, he proves he will never give up on us; and neither should we give up on ourselves!  

So go ahead, dream that impossible dream, fight those unbeatable foes....~are the violins playing yet?~ Seriously though, life sucks at times and its hard enough when you can't see your way through to the other side to where you want to be.  This is why it is so important for us to keep ourselves motivated. And it is so very important for us to dream.

I found one of my lovely articles for you to read linked below. It reminds us of something we both shouldn't forget to do. Let me know your thoughts after you have read it. I really want to know what are you doing to keep yourselves motivated?  Have you been able to stick with your plans? Why do you need to keep you motivated?

The link: FOREVERSERENITY: Motivational Mondays: Manifesting Your Desires: I enjoy watching Iyanla Vanzant on the O network and the work she does to help others.  I'm sure you would agree with me dear readers...
