Have you ever read or know about the quotes of Oscar Wilde? Who is Oscar Wilde you wonder dear readers? He was an Irish writer and poet. He is known for his dramatic portrayal of the human condition and has inspired so many who love his work through his poetry and other writings.
How can you not enjoy his words, one of his quotes that always makes me smile: "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken". How awesome is that?!
Here are 10 of his best quotes, in my opinion,
Tell me which quote is your favorite?
Image of Oscar Wilde shared publicly for use here |
How can you not enjoy his words, one of his quotes that always makes me smile: "Be yourself, everyone else is already taken". How awesome is that?!
Here are 10 of his best quotes, in my opinion,
1. Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.I agree, don't you? Nothing is more annoying to the people who dislike you for one reason or another than to see you be kind to them or "like" them. "Kill them with kindness"!
2. Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.LOL! These days you have to live within your means. Not doing so has gotten so many folks in trouble. But I think he is encouraging us to step outside of the gate, or box that we often limit ourselves within. Be creative, and live life! What are your thoughts on this dear readers?
3. Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.This quote made me laugh out loud again!!!! So, is this why the designers change their styles so often? A fashion for every season! I think he said this one rather "tongue in cheek".
4. I think that God in creating Man somewhat overestimated his ability.Hmmm, I don't know where he was going with this one, but, makes me think. Is he questioning God's ability or confidence? Perhaps he thinks God has put too much into creating man?
5. Illusion is the first of all pleasures.Agreed. If you have a creative mind, you find pleasure in anything that you do. You can.....visualize yourself on the beach, while you're sitting at your desk! Visualize yourself having the most delicious meal, when all you're eating is a salad! It's not just about food, and places, it can be anything. A picture or painting can take you away from your normal way of being....create the illusion...there is good and not so good (grifting, cheating, etc) in this one.
6. The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself.Agreed again! Why keep any advice at all to yourself? Unless it is going to cost you financially, why not give a little, share a little to earn a lot more? Sharing is caring!
7. When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.A very derisive shake of my head on this one. You can look at this quote anyway you want. Enough said! ~oh Oscar~
8. Thirty-five is a very attractive age. London society is full of women of the very highest birth who have, of their own free choice, remained thirty-five for years.I wrote an article a few months ago, where I mentioned that my new age will be 39 going forward. This quote is exactly why. I'm over thirty-five as it is already, so 39 years old is a good number to be! These days, women (most women) have a choice, and the freedom to be all they can be. Yes, there are those in our society who continue to disparage us, and treat us in ways that are uncouth, but we have come a long way baby!
9. I love acting. It is so much more real than life.Oscar was a playwright, I don't know if he played a role in any of his plays, but he was oh so good at what he does.
10. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.Well, you live and you learn from your experiences in life. We hopefully grow and do things differently so as not to make the same mistakes twice. That's experience!
You can find the other quotes, 40 total, here at this link: http://listverse.com/2007/10/08/40-quotes-of-oscar-wilde/
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