I am learning to forgive myself and to forgive others and accept me for who I am. I have done that; but then I had others questioning me, my talents, my goals, my persona, and all that drags you down and you question yourself constantly. Sometimes it's good to take a step back to see who you really are to remind yourself of what you believe in, in spite of what others may think.
I've written on this blog before about not letting others steal your dream, your love for yourself, your love for life, don't let them steal your joy. It sounds corny but it is true, and it actually happens in our world all of the time. I also wanted to remind you my dear readers, that you are worthy of love; yes, you are, and so am I. I have love in my life, I have a wonderful husband we have our ups and downs, and we love each other, that's what being married is all about; we have kids who are not so much kids anymore because they are no longer babies or toddlers, but they are still my babies. I have my "Mommy moments and disagreements" screaming and shouting, my pre-teen is a raging hormonal bucket, and we love each other even more. In your own life, in spite of what may go on, continue to trust yourself and remember that you are worthy of love, you deserve to be loved, and God loves you no matter what.

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