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Operation Motivation: Stay Focus, Being Motivated, Beware Shiny things
There are times when I don't post any new articles because I can't get a moment to really sit and write. I like writing good articles, at least to me, they are good because I'm sharing from my heart. I give a part of me with each writing, and I want that moment to be good for the person who reads my work. That would be you my dear readers.
If I'm ever going to be away from my blog for too long, I like telling you that, just so you know. It's my way of checking in, if you will. As you know, this year I decided to really take this hobby of mine more seriously and really dedicate as much of my energy as I can to it. When I am cheering you up, I'm doing it for me as well. There is so much that goes on in our world, globally (your home country and worldwide) and internally (in our individual lives), we do need encouragement from time to time. I don't know about you, but I need it!
Motivation helps me to keep focus, my eyes on the prize so to speak, so that I can get myself where I want to be and accomplish some of the goals I've set for myself. One of the things that will happen is I will get distracted. Either with personal issues which takes up a lot of time, or by other things that will grab your interest. I call those things "shiny baubles". You know, it's like looking at the storefront and you see all the pretty and shiny jewelry; or gadgets; or shoes; whatever it is you love, that will hold your attention and your focus for a lot too long, then all of what you wanted to do, such as your goals, go unaccomplished.
Has this happened to you? Doesn't that just drives you nuts?!LOL! So, this is why I say, "Beware shiny things" - they keep you distracted! I've been walking around with a silly smile on my face lately. I'm trying to remember to smile more because I am one of those people who, just because what I think and how I feel will "show", I might just give the wrong impression that makes me unapproachable. Half the time I'm so deeply engrossed in my mental state of being that I don't realize that I might be giving mixed signals. So, I'm smiling more. I'm also smiling more because I'm feeling really filled up with joy inside with the love of God's light shining within me. I know, it's almost sounding corny, but that's how I'm saying it!
I want you to remember this phrase:
"I use my conscious intention to manifest my dreams"
This is what I try to remember as I go about my daily life. I learned this from one of the meditation challenges with Deepak Chopra (and Oprah) from the Chopra Center. Whenever I participate in these meditations I learn so much and re-discover even more about myself. You should try it! I am linking below, one of my articles from one of the challenges. Let me know if you like it.
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