In Memory of my Mom - Happy Birthday

I was pregnant with Amanda in this photo

Today is a very special day to my heart.  My mom was born on this day, and although she has passed on to the other side, it's a day I will never forget.  I thank God for her being my mom. My siblings and I continue to remember her as the years go by.  Birthdays, Mother's day, Day she passed on, and any other days we choose to.  This might be macabre to some, but I really don't care.  

I had a dream about her and just when she was about to tell me something, that darn alarm clock went off!!!!LOL! I can just hear her laughing at that one!lol!    I miss you. I will always love you.

FOREVERSERENITY: Happy Birthday Mommy - R.I.P.: Today I'm taking a break from my Operation Motivation re-posts to say something about the woman who has meant the world to me all of my...
