Musical Obsession: Are You Ready for the Weekend?

d-foreverserenity.comNo, the title for this article is not a song, though there is such a song by Calvin Harris...which I won't showcase again, any music from him because he and his peeps have the tendency to wipe clean any references to his music anywhere other than where they dictate.....~shrugs~.

I'm using this opportunity my dear readers to give you a run at my muse of musically inspired writings in my Musical Obsession series on this blog.  Yes, from time to time I like to use music as my muse, to soothe the savage beast so to speak.  What would we do without music in our lives?  Isn't music the most inspiring and awesome thing in our world, the gift of sound, of music?

You can begin with the link at the end, then search all of my musical obsession postings and let me know if you like any of them!  The music videos are always via You Tube.  I hope you are having a great Friday.  I am so ready for this weekend!  `Bring it on!!~
