Re-Post: Fitness Wednesdays: Making Fitness a Lifestyle ~ FOREVERSERENITY

It's hump day and here comes another re-post dear readers.  I love doing repost do you want to know why?  Because it gives me a chance to look back at articles I've written in the past, and some will need follow ups, especially if they are relevant for us today, as the one I am posting below is.

You and I have been on a quest to be healthier, fitter, have a better life, right?  Well, with the new year around the corner we will be surely looking at what we are doing again.  No, don't groan!!!! Let this be our reminder to begin to prep ourselves for what we will be doing.  Society is constantly looking at us, shaping our views of how we see ourselves.  Perhaps this is our time to take the link below to read how I'm trying to make fitness a lifestyle, and you can too!  Leave me a comment to let me know how you will be making changes, or what you plan on doing.

Fitness Wednesdays: Making Fitness a Lifestyle ~ FOREVERSERENITY
