Sometimes you have to wallow in the place of where you don't want to be, to get to where you are supposed to be. Life can sometimes throw us curve-balls we never see coming. However, it is often from these painful curve-balls that we grow.
We grow from our experiences to whom we are truly meant to be. There is the saying that "You learn from your mistakes". This is true, and has been the experience of a number of people in any society. However, there are the few that never seem to learn at all. They continue to plow knee-deep into the abyss of trials after trials of errors.
It is easy for the few who have never experienced continued disappointments and failures to point fingers and jump to conclusions of judgement at those who continue to go through their trials; because the finger-pointers may think they know the story of the misjudged. It pays to "walk a mile in their shoe", and experience someone's life before you can judge them.
I personally try not to judge anyone, it is something that I used to do. Not because I was a "bad" person, or thought I was perfect, but because I never really looked at life the way I do now. Oh there are times when I slip up, and I'll think to myself not so nice thoughts about some people. You hear that term, "some people" kind of like, "those people". We all do that from time to time. However, as time goes on, and I've learned so much from my own mistakes, and am learning to love myself and live my life the way God intends me to. I am no longer one to criticize anyone. I may still have my opinion, we are all entitled to the way we feel, and yes, even the way we think. But let us reserve judgement and give that person a second, or even a third chance, much the way we often ask God to forgive us, and he always do.
With this in mind my dear readers, a New Year is here and it is a chance at a clean slate. Pretty much the way we should think of every single day. I also wanted to say if you do love to make Resolutions for the new year, don't stop, declare yours and go for it!
#Gobold2015 #stepoutofyourcomfortzone - My two hashtags for you for this 2015!

It is easy for the few who have never experienced continued disappointments and failures to point fingers and jump to conclusions of judgement at those who continue to go through their trials; because the finger-pointers may think they know the story of the misjudged. It pays to "walk a mile in their shoe", and experience someone's life before you can judge them.
I personally try not to judge anyone, it is something that I used to do. Not because I was a "bad" person, or thought I was perfect, but because I never really looked at life the way I do now. Oh there are times when I slip up, and I'll think to myself not so nice thoughts about some people. You hear that term, "some people" kind of like, "those people". We all do that from time to time. However, as time goes on, and I've learned so much from my own mistakes, and am learning to love myself and live my life the way God intends me to. I am no longer one to criticize anyone. I may still have my opinion, we are all entitled to the way we feel, and yes, even the way we think. But let us reserve judgement and give that person a second, or even a third chance, much the way we often ask God to forgive us, and he always do.
With this in mind my dear readers, a New Year is here and it is a chance at a clean slate. Pretty much the way we should think of every single day. I also wanted to say if you do love to make Resolutions for the new year, don't stop, declare yours and go for it!
#Gobold2015 #stepoutofyourcomfortzone - My two hashtags for you for this 2015!
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