Revolutionize My LAUNDRY? Here's How To

One of the chores that I still do for my family is laundry.  Yep, even for my 20 year old son!lol!  He might just get embarrass if he reads this.  However, in his defense, he does do his laundry on his own whenever he can fit it in and I'm happy to help him out from time to time.

No matter how much I plan though, the very act of doing laundry can be tedious.  Going to the store, knowing which laundry detergent to buy is not fun for me.  Why you might wonder?  Because it takes me forever to decide on the type of detergent, which one is more environmentally friendly, which has the least chemical and won't leave a stain on my skin or the clothing I'm trying to clean.  Not to mention the strong odor that ensues with the perfumes that emanates from the wash.  What's that all about anyway?!

If I were to tell you that I found out about a way you and I can do our laundry without any detergent, would you believe me?  How about, no chemical, NONE!  And if you dislike those strong perfume-type scents that comes with most laundry detergent, there's none of that too!!! What am I talking about you are asking yourself dear readers?

I recently discovered a new way we can get our laundry done without the stress involved, we will also save money, and help the environment.  It's called Crystal Wash 2.0.   You will be able to wash at least 1000 loads, that's an entire month's worth of  clean laundry the natural way.  Repeat after me, no detergent, no chemical, no perfume.  Crystal Wash 2.0 uses a technology known as Bio Ceramics to clean clothing the natural way and you will use less energy than with the regular detergents you normally use.

The creators of Crystal Wash 2.0 will be launching a crowd funding campaign soon.  They hope to take their product to the next level and get it to the masses so that we can have worry-free laundry days. I'm all over that!  To find out how you will save and reduce your carbon foot print, follow this link for more information and keep an eye out for the launch on January 26, 2015. 

Note: This is a product review to help with the launch of Crystal Wash 2.0.
