Fitness Wednesday: The 8 Exercise Moves you Should be Doing

as seen in article The Only 8 Moves you need

As you continue your fitness goals for this year dear readers, to get fit, are you going to the gym, or are you working out on your own?  I am doing a bit of both. It just depends on what is going on for me on any particular day. I like to mix it up a bit and it relieves the feeling of drudgery that happens just because we are the way we are, wouldn't you agree?!!lol!

I recently perused the Men's Journal online and saw something interesting.  Fitness expert for the journal, Daniel Duane wrote that we only need to be doing certain moves when exercising to help us enhance our movements and thus have a better workout.  Doing these movements will help us to be more stable and build strength.  Since I am currently working on being more balanced and building strength I became more alert as I read on.

Mr. Duane said that our movements consist of basically three categories, "pushing, pulling, and hip extension" in other words, "squatting, jumping and running" and you can throw bike riding actions in as well.  When we do these workouts we will learn good forms since we are going to do repetitions and we can make it even better when we add weights which will help to build our strength and stability. 

If you do the suggested movements for the first time and are all arms and legs and totally off balance, don't worry, as you continue to workout and do them, you will get better.   For me personally, using my body to build strength is one of the hardest workouts for me, but I find that when as I do, my form improves and my balance gets much better!

These workouts will not let us bulk up, we in fact get nicely toned and that's a major plus!

Remember, to see your doctor before you begin any workout and to consult a health professional and/or experts in the field you are interested in.  This is only from my views as someone who is physically active and workout for my own health.

You can go to the article linked below to read the full article:

Photographs: Terrence Darvin - as seen on article linked above.
