Operation Motivation: I'm NOT in the Mood...being Intuitive

Are these words that comes often from your lips dear readers? Or perhaps your thoughts to yourself? How often do you say, "I'm not in the mood"  Or, "I can't be bothered"?  For me, it was becoming a little bit too often.  This wasn't happening because I don't want to do something, but because I just didn't feel up to doing anything at all. Why? Because there are just times when I get so frustrated with whatever it is that is going on, or not happening, that I get really discouraged with all and sundry! When this happens I'm about ready to throw in the towel.

But is this something that we should let take over our lives?  Take away our joy and reason for why we don't do what we need to do? No.  It shouldn't be.  Sure it's alright to get tired of something, or to get really frustrated.  Just don't let your feelings be the reason why you lose focus. Don't let this be where your journey ends.

There are times when we let ourselves drift off, controlled by our circumstances, or even by someone we think have our best interests at heart, when they do not.  These are the times when your sixth sense will kick in.  Your intuition will warn you that something is not right.  To take a moment and re-consider.  Have you ever ignored your intuition to have the very thing you were fearing occur?  Then you think back to that moment when you knew you should have followed your sixth sense.  There are those moments when we are so tired, so withdrawn or so jaded that we no longer hear or sense what our intuitiveness is telling us. It is your guide, use it, don't ignore it.

So when you have had the most frustrating, uninspiring moments in your life happening all at once or continuously.  At times like these the best thing to do is to take a break. Stop, do something that will renew your spirit so that you can feel rested and encouraged; your senses will be alert and you will see a clear path so that you can continue on that journey you have started, or that you are about to begin!  
