I Vote Get Rid of Mondays - Who's in?


Are you in?  Do you wish to get rid of Mondays?  Me too! Why do I want to get rid of Mondays? Hey, haven’t you felt this way before?  It isn’t as if no one ever thought about this, they have.  They just haven’t said it out loud.  They’ve shared similar thoughts with friends who nod enthusiastically asking “Where do I sign up?”  It’s not an easy thing to do though is it?

Mondays tend to roll around too quickly and is always hardest to handle because of the weekends. It’s the start of the work week for most of us, and admittedly, it just never gets easier.  Is it because most of us are never ready for it?   We have fun Fridays, notice the word “fun” before Friday?  Yep, Fridays are fun because it is the day before the weekend. We look forward to not getting up too early (hello Saturday), at least we don’t have to, and we can have a late night and not worry about work the next day.  All hail Fridays!

But this is about Mondays and we’ve got to get through this day, and, the entire week. So, what can you do about this Monday blues?  Hmmm…here are three of the easiest and best things to do to get you out of the funk you’re feeling over Mondays:

1. Listen to music?  Yep, I love to listen to music and it always gets me in a good mood.  Good enough to have me dancing and singing along, belting out the words to my favorite songs. So, go put some music on and start singing. And if you’re in the office, lip synching will do. Do you want more proof?  Take a walk over to this article to learn how music changes your mood.

2. Did someone say “chocolate”?  It’s not too early in the day to eat chocolate. Nope, not in my book anyway.  Did you not hear that chocolate is the “feel good chemical”? According to an article I read written by Correspondence Linda Ciampa on CNN Healthonline, Adam Drewnowski of the University of Michigan said, "So we eat chocolate so we release and experience pleasure and so as a result, we crave chocolate” Do you find that you want to eat anything that’s covered in chocolate when you are feeling stressed, worried or depressed? Well here is your excuse to indulge because it will make you feel so much better! 

3. As soon as you can, take a walk.  What the heck am I thinking, you're not in the mood to exercise right now.  Well, the endorphins you will receive from your walk will make you feel energized, less stressed and will have you feeling loads better than you do now.  It will even have you alert and ready to tackle that pile on your desk; or the laundry you’ve been avoiding if you’re at home instead. Take a look at the facts here on 10Reasons you should be walking.  Pay particular attention to numbers 7 & 8 in the article linked.

Are you feeling better already?  Me too!  So I guess this means Mondays will be sticking around forever?  Well, there’s always vacation days!

Direct links to the articles linked above:
