A Repost: A Mother who Misses Her Mom

Mother's Day has come to a close and I do hope if you are a mom that you had a very good day with your family, especially if this year was your first Mother's Day!  I had a quiet day by choice.  I slept in and relaxed for the day.  

A vintage photo of my mom - a favorite of mine

Among the phone calls, texts and greetings on Facebook, I enjoy interacting with family  and friends who are far away. I made sure to post a special greeting in memory of my mom who has passed on.  Although I am so happy to be here for my children and enjoy my time with them, special holidays always have me feeling nostalgic and a little lost, even for a moment because I miss my parents terribly.  Mother's day can be particularly hard, so I was very happy to spend the day honoring her memory in my own way.

Here is a re-post of an article I read which was really good and hit home for me when I read it about a writer who missed her mom.  

FOREVERSERENITY: A Mother who Misses Her Mom: I just read an article from a blogger, "Motherless Mothering".    The article you can go to the nytimes.com,  or to this link here...
