I'm glad that I have grown to appreciate and love my hair in it's natural state.
Naturally curly...my fro |
I have come to realize that there are days when I am not my hair, meaning it doesn't make me me, nor does it means that I am "that type" just because I don't have a hair weave. I have also come to realize that there are those days when I AM my hair.
the chop! Yikes...not too flattering (I think!) |
I wear it with pride and feel oh so proud that in spite of it all, I like these curly, wavy and textured tresses. It may not be the flowing locks of the fashion world, or what society deems as "normal" or "acceptable", yet we are making it in this world after all!
I cleaned up the look myself! |
As time continues to move forward, the many looks, styles and ways of wearing our hair is so awesome to see it sometimes takes my breath away. However understand that being natural is not just for the woman of color we refer to our hair as "Natural" because we no longer choose to straighten our hair with a chemical relaxer creme.
Being natural is for everyone, male, female and every ethnicity. Caucasian, Asian, Native American & Latina women who have naturally curly and wavy hair sometimes faces the same dilemma as African Americans do, having bad hair days when your hair is too frizzy and won't tame itself to what you're trying to do to it.
When I don't know what to do...hat comes in handy! |
When all you can do is grab a hat, or twist it into some sort of pony tail! And after having the big chop, many sisters are often at a loss of how to style their hair. For the next few Wednesdays, I will share ideas on what we can do to make our hair even more beautiful when it comes to styling, share reasons why our hair remains the way it does, and just plain have fun with what we have on top of our head!
Hair accessory is my friend! |
Let's continue to wear our hair with pride, loving who we are, and rocking our hair journey!
No relaxer - still natural, heat-straightened hair |
Note: Some of the images posted on this blogger page are my personal photographs, please do not copy and use maliciously or for your personal gain; or please link to my blogger site and send me an email at donnaandcompany at yahoo dot com. The images/photographs that are not my own will be noted as such and a link will be next to these photographs/images where you will be able to go directly to the website the image is from. I claim no rights to those images, they are used to enhance any reference regarding natural hair on my blogger page Me 'n My Fro.
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