"Continue to live in your moment", recently I found myself giving that advice to someone who confided in me what she was going through. As I listened and talked to her it made me realize that my own problems that were foremost in my mind at the time, were not as detrimental as I thought they were. Yes they were important, yes, if I didn't find answers I sought, the end result wouldn't have been great. But I was so glad to put my own problems behind me for a moment while I try to give reassurances to someone else who needed it. I was very happy to be there in that moment.
I find that too often many of us just forget to do this. We forget to live in the moment. We are so busy running around, our heads in the clouds, getting what we feel is important done, going here and there, just living our lives, and we do at times forget to live in the moment, or in other words, sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses!
Raise your hands if you can say that you never worry about anything? Or if you can say that you have never complained about what is going on in your life? I know, we just do this as if it is so normal to do! Does it mean we are just a bunch of miserable and ungrateful wretches who don't know how to be happy? Nope, not at all. We often get so caught up in ourselves that nothing else but what is within our "four walls" aka "our lives", "in our heads", stays foremost on our minds.
I am re-posting this article as a reminder for us, yes, me too, to stop worrying so much and just live each moment of our lives as if it is our last. Let go of the worries, trust more in your Faith; Enjoy what your life offers, it isn't all bad (I hope); Smile more, go out and smell the roses....literally!

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FOREVERSERENITY: Continuing to Live in The Moment: ************************ “Great accomplishments do not arise out of miserable struggle. Great accomplishments come from being able to see...
I find that too often many of us just forget to do this. We forget to live in the moment. We are so busy running around, our heads in the clouds, getting what we feel is important done, going here and there, just living our lives, and we do at times forget to live in the moment, or in other words, sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses!
Raise your hands if you can say that you never worry about anything? Or if you can say that you have never complained about what is going on in your life? I know, we just do this as if it is so normal to do! Does it mean we are just a bunch of miserable and ungrateful wretches who don't know how to be happy? Nope, not at all. We often get so caught up in ourselves that nothing else but what is within our "four walls" aka "our lives", "in our heads", stays foremost on our minds.
I am re-posting this article as a reminder for us, yes, me too, to stop worrying so much and just live each moment of our lives as if it is our last. Let go of the worries, trust more in your Faith; Enjoy what your life offers, it isn't all bad (I hope); Smile more, go out and smell the roses....literally!

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FOREVERSERENITY: Continuing to Live in The Moment: ************************ “Great accomplishments do not arise out of miserable struggle. Great accomplishments come from being able to see...
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