Repost Week:Operation Motivation: Vulnerability

This week is re-post week.  While I continue to tinker with our blog here at Foreverserenity, and setup other links elsewhere (I promise to share all when completed), I thought it would be a great idea to re-post a few articles that you may have missed the first time around dear readers.

Today's article is one that still leaves a twinge in my soul.  There are moments when life gets really rough, and those moments are not often easy to deal with.  Like many people in our society experiences today, these moments can be the most gut-wrenching time because you sometimes don't know what to do.  I do hope that if you are in any situation where you may need help or advice that you will be able to find it.  And if you are the one that is able to help someone, well, read along and let me know your thoughts on this.

Follow this link to read today's re-post:
FOREVERSERENITY: Vulnerability: There are times when certain situations leave you feeling totally wounded and helpless.   You are left naked and open to that which eats awa...
