Fitness Wednesday: In the Quest for Fitness....the Age Factor

I'm getting old. There I said it out loud, in stage whisper to you my dear readers!!!lol! So I'm older now, yes I am and darn it, I'm proud to be here, alive, healthy and kicking!  I totally understand anyone who goes under the knife because getting old is no fun. Your body aches, you get fat, you get saggy, all things go elsewhere but where they should be...perhaps I'm not as bad as that...for the most part anyway!lol! But let me tell you, when you are older, keeping fit is hard to do.

When life intervenes and you can't get to your regular workout, it is like your body just shifts itself and settles into comfort zone.  The fat slowly creeps back on and when you look in the mirror, or go to the doctor and hear how much you weigh you're like...."Uh?!" WTF happened?!  Well, let's face it, life cannot be perfect all of the time, but you do your best isn't that right dear readers?  If you're a twenty-something reading this, go ahead and have a good laugh, your turn will come, eventually!lol!  Below is a re-post from fitness Wednesday posted below.  How about you?  Have you continued to work out diligently, is your age a factor for your fitness level?  Do share!

FOREVERSERENITY: In the Quest for Fitness....the Age Factor: In striving to get myself back to and beyond the gorgeous body that I see in my vision, you know, svelte, firm, beautiful, did I say firm.....
