I think it is great to read and learn from others. Especially if the person you are learning from is an individual who has walked the walk in life that lead them to much success. There are also those people who may have not had the success they wanted, however they too have lived and learned life experiences that are teachable life moments.
Then there are those who are going through life moments; taking the walk which enlightens their awareness that becomes teachable moments that inspires us. Yes, reading, listening and watching other folks can be very helpful for our self growth.
Yet there are moments when all the hoopla is from those whose only agenda is for you to part with your money. While this is not true of those who really do care about others; it is the reality of those who are only in it for their own profit. They are the types who want to tell you how to live, how to eat, what to eat, what to wear and even how to wear whatever it is you want to put on; and yes, they will even tell you how to pray!
These days it is absolutely important for us not to get "sucked in" by these types and to avoid them at all cost. Are some of us going to know how to do everything in our lives? No. Are we going to make mistakes? Yes. Will we learn from these mistakes? I sure hope so! Even if we do it over, and over again. And if you are one of those who are unlucky and can't seem to get it right, then seek someone who will know a bit more than you do who can help you to make better decisions to make your life what you want it to be. Just remember, "this someone" should be there for you, to really help you, and make a difference in your life; and not just for what they can get out of you.
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