Fitness Wednesdays: How NOT to Go "Mental"

“We don’t wait for the future to come to us. We give birth to the future.” 
― Alain Yaovi M. Dagba

You often hear me say how much "I love" something.  That's because when I do really like something, I LOVE it!  I do when that something appeals to my senses. I do when it makes me think and reflect, and especially when it expresses how I am feeling in a given moment.

The quote above is by Alain Yaovi M. Dagba, Writer, Spritual Leader, Author, et al.  I was introduced to his words from one of the past meditation sessions I participated in.   His quote  resonates with me at this time in my life because it says exactly what I needed to hear.

I've written about mental health in the past on Fitness Wednesdays and even in my Operation Motivation series; sharing how important it is for us to take care of not just our body, but our mind too.  When I started this new year, 2015, my mantra was #GoBold2015.  I did what I've always done and created a Vision Board for the new year, with the intentions of following up with my plans for the future and what I had in mind for 2015.

However, I got stopped in my tracks, stopped by a lay off, losing my job, a kick to the stomach that left me spinning and halted all of my plans.  Then, I got sidelined by two injuries; one at work, before I even learned about getting laid off, and another outside of work, a car accident, where I still thank the good Lord for my survival.  While the happenings in my life wasn't as serious as some would look at it, to me, an individual who, though life wasn't perfect and had it's ups and downs, managed to  make the most out of my life's moments. Taking care of my family, all and sundry in my life was my world.  Losing my job was like an identity crisis that had me reeling, and, though not fully recovered, have learned to cope with.  It made me take a look at my life as I knew it, all over again from another perspective, wondering of what value was I to anyone at this point?  I had celebrated a milestone in my birth age, finally decided to take my hobby to business, a plan I was putting into effect slowly but surely, with the luxury of having a job that would allow me to indulge a little; all that stopped because I could no longer focus on what my future should be.

So as not to make this writing a long drawn out read, it definitely is not and will never be a pity party. Oh I have had my very private pity parties! It's good to have those, I highly recommend them and don't forget the bottle of vino, cheese, chocolate, cheese cake, and a good friend at the end of the phone line too!lol!

When all that is done, you have got to get back to what you know you want in life.  You have got to get back to what you think your life should be, and if you don't want to "get back", then move forward. Forward with the plans that will get you to where you think you should be. I'm learning again. I'm back in school.  I've re-written my resume - several times; and am about to do it all over again after another meeting with another career counselor.  I've sent out a gazillion resumes...OK, maybe not a gazillion, but quite a lot.  Who would have thunk, yes I said thunk, that after all these years of experiences that I have, still no job offer?!  Sigh~

While I wanted to slide into first base into the job of my dream, a writer; something to do with social media; the reality is I have gotten to the basic need factor, the "I need a job, any job to have a pay check" that is all.  But while I need a job with a paycheck, I also don't want to go do just any job that will not be of interest to me at all, because that will be a dis-service to the people I would be working for, and to myself.

To get back to the quote I placed at the beginning of this article, it resonated with me because it is a reminder for me not to wait on the future to come to me, though I have Faith, and am walking with God in my life, I must create my future.  I must go after that dream, and so I began again to create the future I want to have.  I decided to continue with the work I began creating my "business" and hope to take it to the next level shortly.  Because while I may not seem worthwhile to be vested, or invested in by a company looking for people with my "skill sets", words that are becoming the bane of my existence.  I can focus on creating and building the future of my dream my way.  And so this is how NOT to go "Mental".  If you are like me, job searching, looking for something new, or have to make changes in your life.  Don't sit and wait for the approval of others. Although approval is important, if you don't get the approval you are looking for right away there is absolutely nothing wrong with you!

If you have not done it yet, go create your very own Vision Board.  You can use magazine cut outs, or use your own drawings and words. You can also do what I did, for the very first time I used an on line site to create my vision, Polyvore.  It is a site I am a member of and one I've often shared through my fashion blog Fabulously Curvy.  I'm posting a link to the board I created, as well as pasting a copy of it below.  I am moving forward with the vision I had at the beginning of the year, taking my journey to the next level.  I will go through it and share what my vision is at another writing.   Don't just sit there and wait for your future, Go. Get. It!

Fabulously Curvy: 2015 Vision/Inspiration: 2015 Vision/Inspiration by donna-reid on Polyvore
