Photo Journal: Telling My Story with Pictures

It has been a busy time, job hunting, meeting with new prospects, and trying to "keep it moving" as I always tell you to do dear readers.
Here are some of the things I have been up to. And that is just the real-life stuff. Just wait until I share what I have been up to on-line!

Recently I visited the place where my soul gets its second doze of fulfilment, the Beach!!!! It was awesome!  I hope you take the time to do the same for you. Do let me know if you enjoy these photos.

Our Adam is 21!!!! Whoaaa!  It wasn't quite the best day that time, but we are grateful for small blessings.

I have to keep my spirits up. It ain't easy!  It's hard to do that all of the time these days. But you know what?  I find that prayers help a lot, thinking positive is half the battle, and doing something nice for me goes a long way!

I had a dream for this building that has been sitting abandon for eons. I just recently noticed it and was making plans to utilize it...alas, too late...but a dream deferred, not gone! I'm not giving up, you shouldn't either!

So my dearest readers.....
