The Headaches of Publishing

I'm at that stage again when my electronics are messing up.  I've posted a few new articles to this blog and they haven't shown up.  Although by what my phone says, they have been published?! I'm on a limited time and it gets frustrating when this happens.  It seems as if I'm hardly spending time with you my dear readers. 
Keeping the flame burning

I will continue to implement new ideas as time permits, but in the mean time, keeping up with you is very important to me.  So don't think I've ran off and left you hanging!  This is one of the reasons why I'm reconsidering Blogger as my platform. I have apps downloaded on my phone and other devices and often using them can be a pain.

Do continue to stop by and read, peruse at will and check out any articles you may have missed. Go to the search box and put in a topic, or word, hey, I may have written about it!  Don't forget to visit Fabulously Curvy Blog on blogger and Facebook.
