The Matrix of Manifestation: Focus“Follow your deepest dream, the one you had as a kid... but stay focused.” ― Donal Logue
Our meditation today deals with the second element of the matrix of manifestation: our focus of attention. Just as focused light through a magnifying glass becomes more concentrated and powerful, the light of our consciousness also becomes more powerful when our attention is focused. This concentrated awareness awakens the dormant intelligence within our intention. It is like the warmth that helps the seed of desire sprout.
Today’s meditation will show us that the mind can experience deep focus easily, without strain or effort. When the mind is quiet, deep focus comes effortlessly and naturally. Unbounded awareness and sharp focus not only coexist, but they are mutually supportive, and together they form two of the three elements of awareness in the matrix of manifestation.
The above read is from one of the meditations I have done in the past. I'm glad that I keep them because it is always comforting to be able to go back and read words that helps me to think and re-focus on my life in any given moment. I'm happy to say that I am working again. It has been quite an experience lately. I like the instructions at the beginning, in the quote you are told to follow your dreams, the one you had as a kid. Then you are reminded to "stay focused". Staying focused is one of the hardest thing for us humans to do. We are so distracted by everything around us. Reading further, we learn that when we focus, our minds will easily become more powerful. Then we become even more aware.
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