And So It is

Time moves on, waiting on no one.  Seconds becomes minutes, that becomes hours, that becomes days, that becomes weeks, that becomes months, and then the years move on really quickly! And so as we move on from one month to another, especially at this time of the year, we must remember to make the time for that which is important to us.  I know I say this quite often dear readers but we must remember to live, really live our lives and enjoy each moment.  We do sometimes forget how to do this very simple thing.

We must make time for the people who are important to us.  Make the time to spend time with those who are special to you.  It will 'feed" your spirit and make you feel so much better.  Recently I lost my mom's only sister, I wasn't able to attend her funeral, however, a few of my siblings did and it was wonderful to commiserate through the photos that they sent me.  As I think about my parents, I know in my heart that my mom and aunt are together again and that puts a big smile on my face!

As you know, Christmas is my favorite time of the year and I hope to make it a really special one this year, special because we are alive and well.  I hope to share with you on the blog, beginning tomorrow.  And so it is, life goes on, seasons change, but our God continues to guide us through Grace. Don't forget to give thanks and praises to the one you serve, thanking him for every moment of every day.
