
I think I am amazing!  I know I am because I am told that all of the time by one of my beautiful daughters - the youngest one.  Isn't it great to have a little kid in your life? Why? Well, because they are not afraid to express affection.  They are not afraid to express love.  They are not afraid to tell you to, or to demand that you hug, kiss, love, give them what they want...NOW!lol!  Yes, there are those moments that they can be the most infuriating humans...they get on your nerve and you want to box them upside the head (figuratively of course!), but they are there to remind you of what you sometimes forget!

To live and love, and laugh and just enjoy the life you are living! Don't you somehow forget to do that at times dear reader?   Because, most times we are so busy trying to survive, living our daily lives, going after our goals and the frustration that sometimes happens, we somehow forget to live!  It's as if we are holding our breath and we forget to exhale!  We seemingly are waiting for the "other shoe to drop" in our lives giving us permission for us to live the way we want to!

I declare that I am guilty of that at times! If things go well, I'm anxious.  If things are not going well, I'm even more anxious!  What is the problem here....?  I'm too uptight, that's what! Is this the American way of life?  Where we're so constantly on the go, looking at our lives, at what we don't have; what we have to do; and what we want to do; so much that we don't take the time to stop and actually enjoy the moments we do have?  If this is so I do not want to be a part of it!  Nope, I will no longer live this way!  Because it is not a healthy way to be.

As a Society we are so stressed.  There are people dropping like flies from one illness or another because we are so stressed!  Some of us do not even make time to "smell the roses"! Take a break for God's sake!  I know the Economy and the way our Society is today, dictates our lives.  It's as if we are bound and gagged, scared straight by the "What ifs"!  It's easier said than done for us to actually take a breath and enjoy any moment of our life.  So this is why God puts the little children in our lives, to remind us that we should be like them!  Do not be afraid to express yourself.  Do not be afraid to ask for a hug, and if no other person is there to hug you, well, hug your pet, or wrap your arms around you and hug yourself! Hey nothing wrong with that! (yes you can laugh out loud!)

You know what else....Affirmations do work!  Telling yourself how wonderful and amazing you are will put a smile on your face, or you'll laugh yourself silly when you hear yourself say them out loud! Go on, say it...and if you can look at yourself in the mirror, even better.  "I'm amazing"!  "I am beautiful"! "I have the sweetest smile"!   "I am a good person"! "I am meant to be loved"!  "I will be a success at whatever I put my mind to"! Positive affirmations dear reader!  Well, are you laughing yourself silly or what?!  Do you feel good?  So do I!

Let's remember to do this everyday.  When you're feeling down, and every negative thought comes to the forefront of your mind. Stop, take a deep breath, exhale, and repeat your Affirmations.  I'll do the same! 
