The reason being dear readers is that there are often times when you will come across people in your life who does nothing but make a lot of noise. They love to brag about where they have been, who they know, and often, what they are doing. They also like to brag about how much they have, what they have accomplish, what they intend to do...and often times it is nothing but a lot of bullshit!
It is always my rule of thumb to just listen, shake my head in acknowledgement of what is being said, and to just let the speaker talk until they are done. Someone who is often talking so much about themselves do not allow other people to inturrupt, or to even have an opinion about what it is they are talking about. So yes, letting them talk until they run out of steam is always a good rule.
What is often not surprising is to find out that the things they say are often utter lies. It is often a good thing to let them continue to believe the lies they told. Don't get caught up in their warp tales. Run as far away as possible. That is the day you save yourself.
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