YOU are happiest when you....? Work out, eat, dance, see your loved ones, kiss, love, receive a what you love? What is it that makes you happier than anything in this world? There are things that will make us feel good in a moment, or even in a circumstance, for a while. There's nothing wrong with that dear readers. But, how about just being happy all of the time? I think we can handle that, don't you? Why not? Who doesn't want to be happy for the rest of their lives? Hey, there's a song with those lyrics!lol!
Seriously though, each time that I read a story, an article about someone who has quit their jobs, let go of the 'stuff' they were holding on to in their lives, such as their physical possessions, in other words, just letting go of anything that weighs a person down, mentally. That person is always the most happiest person ever!
Take the story of Joshua Fields Millburn, in the article by Jenna Gordreau on, he's referred to as a "millennial". Why? Because he's not even in his 40's, or even his 50's and he just quit a job that paid very well and even had perks. Most times when people do things like that, they usually would have already had a pretty long life, worked for more than 20 years, and possibly going through life-changes. Well, it was the latter for Joshua that made him do what he did. I can't say I blame him, and I'm almost envious of him because he did this with such fearlessness.
It takes a lot for someone to reach a decision like this, and to go through with it. And then guess what? He found himself, and he now has a better life!!!! How cool is that? I am so happy for him, or anyone who are able to do this and find their purpose. There are times when we realize that what we are doing isn't working. Where we are is not where we should be, however, we are afraid to make that move. He did, and it paid off. Read his story here.
Do you think you would have the courage to do this dear readers? Have you ever wanted to? I've thought about it. I haven't gotten to that point yet, have you? Just remember to talk with someone when you're feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes it helps to hear another person's opinion before you make changes like this.
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