I love listening to the song "Greater" by MercyMe. The lyrics always takes me through their song literally and brings me to my "Hallelujah Moment"! You know that moment when you realize you worry too much and that God always has a plan for you and your life no matter what?! EXACTLY!
We humans tend to worry so much that we often lose sight of the lesson that we are supposed to learn in the moment of whatever adversary we are experiencing in our lives. We focus on THE PROBLEM and that makes it SO MUCH BIGGER THAN IT IS! We worry and worry even after praying, asking God to help us. Why do we do that? I am so guilty of this behavior too. Often I try to remind myself, "Donna, He has this, let go and let Him".
So my dear readers, today I am telling you, reminding you that HE HAS THIS. Whatever it is that you are going through at this moment, He has this! So go on about your business, live life and TRUST HIM.
It is through Grace and Love and trust that we will receive His mercy. We will come through safely to the other side because our Faith will win the war. So turn up the volume and sing along when you hear "Greater". Heck let's dance our troubles away!
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