I love to eat. I am not a shame to admit that. I. Love. Food. One of the things I dislike doing is knowing what to eat. Especially at lunch time it gets really tedious to decide "What's for Lunch"?! Obviously this is a "First World Problem"... and an important one.
Although I do have healthier fares in my refrigerator, look what I'm eating for Lunch:
A Jamaican Beef Patty (half)
A small serving of Macaroni and cheese
A chicken thigh
A coke zero
This is what happens when I rush out to start my day and not plan from the night before! Does this happen to you, if so how often?
Hopefully I can do better when I have lunch tomorrow! :-) I didn't do that bad...it was half of a patty...the other was eaten at breakfast...at my desk....I know....not good to do....we must talk more about this soon...#lifestyle #newyear cometh.
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