How will you use this New Year?

"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called "Opportunity" and its first chapter is New Year's Day." (my sister Ophelia's wise words)

These words hit a note with me. I've been thinking along these lines, feeling the sense of renewal, hope, and possibilities.

The feeling of renewal, to make changes, leave behind the mistakes of the past year, mistakes I hope that I have learned from.

The feeling of hope, hope for new beginnings. Hope to look forward to a future of hopes of things to come. Hope for the changes that you plan to make in your life, changes that will be for your benefit!

The feeling of possibilities, of the wonderful events that will take place in your life! Make 2010 the year for you, when you take charge and become the pilot of your life!

As we say goodbye to the year 2009, let us all leave behind all of the pains we considered our bad lucks, all of the fears that took place, that rendered us incapable of action; all of the regrets for the things we could have, should have and did not do!

2010 is your blank page, your blank check, your moment of opportunity!  Fill the pages of your book with words that you create, live your life and make it the best year ever!

Happy New Year my friends!

You are a Blossom, a garden of new beginnings!
