I'm Falling

Last week was not a bad week for working out, but it wasn't perfect.  I did manage to jog/walk 4 times, that's it, that's all!  No Wii Fit workouts, nada....I feel like a bum!

It has just been so busy lately, quite a few deadlines at work, and home-life was pretty hectic at the same time.  I have a confession....I realize that I've been snacking way too much, and I've been eating a bit more than usual! I'm feeling guilty about that.  After all, do I want to go back to square one, again?  Nope!

I've wrestled with that monster "emotional eater" and I've conquered the beast...OK, not conquered, but I have him under wraps..."I've got this monster" I've been thinking with cockiness!  Apparently not! It does rear it's ugly head when I'm feeling overwhelmed.

So now that I've identified it, I've got to get back in control.  Sometimes we fall, that's okay, but now it is time to pick myself up, and get back on that road again!  I hope you are doing better, keep up the good work!
