Picking myself up

Out of the funk I've been in. It's probably a combination of my very stressful-adrenalin-infused weekend, and the news that a couple of co-workers of ours dropped dead over the weekend. It's been a tumultuous time. These are tumultuous times. We each have to pay attention, look around you and decide what it is that you want.  Is what you want important enough for you to alienate others, or do you get so lost on that journey to riches that you forget the good that is in you?

A few people don't realise that all the riches that are being built by them, makes no sense if there is no one to share it with; or no one to leave the riches to.  It makes no sense trying to make someone else's life a living nightmare.  It makes sense to live a life of abundance, filled with your own goals and dreams that you seek to find, sprinkled with lots of love for family and friends, and helping others, whomever you can along the way.  The help doesn't have to be monetary, though that helps if you can do it, rather, the help can be, a smile, a kind word or a kind deed.  And remember to do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you.  Wise words from the bible, that are still so relevant in our society today.
